David A. Cohen
David internationally renowned for his work in the Decentralized Software industry and recently in the Blockchain/Crypto industry with successful exits returning over $1 billion in capital. He is currently Founder/CEO of Taekion building blockchain-based trusted networking solutions for Fintech, Defense, SmartGrid and other Enterprise applications. He is a founding executive advisor to Hedera Hashgraph. David works with advanced blockchain technologies to support Enterprise deployments of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) to deliver solutions around information assurance, asset tokenization, advanced consensus algorithms, and smart contracts.
David was founder and CEO of Infotility where he pioneered the “Grid Edge” unlocking multi-billion dollar Smartgrid markets creating the first artificial intelligence-based software platform - GridAgents™.
David was named in the "Top 100 Movers and Shakers" in SmartGrid by Greentech Media and a founding member Emeritus of the GridWise Architecture Council.
After selling Infotility to Pacific Controls in 2011, as COO, he launched the world’s first machine-to-machine (M2M) software platform, Galaxy™. As co-founder of Silicon Energy, he pioneered the world’s first Virtual Power Plant based on Silicon Energy’s EEM Suite™ which was sold to Itron (NASDAQ: ITRI). As Chief Strategy Officer for the Car Charging Group, he assisted in the M&A of Ecotality and the Blink Network which became the largest electric vehicle charging services company in the world. As co-founder and COO of ZipPower, he was the creator of a social media platform to engage energy prosumers and enable peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading.
David is a thought leader and has spoken at many venues such as REFF Wall Street, MIT, TEDx, and Singularity University.
William T. Cox
Bill Cox is a leader in Smart Grid interoperability, information model architectures, and transactive energy. Much of his software architecture work over the past several years has been to define economic methods for microgrid, facility and grid management and fault resilience. As Co-chair and lead architect, he led the creation of OASIS Energy Interoperation, the first freely available open standard for transactive energy, and the basis for OpenADR2 and TEMIX.. He has published many papers related to energy, transactive energy, and interoperation. (See http://coxsoftwarearchitects.com/ for papers and a more extensive biography)
His current work is on the business value and deployment of transactive energy, and information models for expressing and exchanging schedule information.
Bill is an OASIS Distinguished Contributor, and received the Object Management Group Achievement Award. He earned a PhD and MS in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Toby Considine
Toby Considine is an internationally recognized expert on smart energy, smart buildings, and smart grids who has worked in energy policy, open standards, and enterprise integration of control systems. Mr. Considine has 35 years of experience integrating building automation systems, cogeneration plants, steam and electrical distribution systems, and Life-Safety alarms with the enterprise.
Smart Buildings led to Smart Grids, and Mr. Considine was part of the EPRI team that wrote the US National Smart Grids Roadmap for NIST. He has been a peer review for Department of Energy projects in Smart Grids. Toby was deeply involved in the OASIS specifications market-oriented interfaces for smart energy, serving as Chair or Editor for multiple standards. These open specifications are the foundation for OpenADR, now being adopted world-wide.
Toby has a long-standing interest in technologies that merge e-commerce and control systems. You can read his blog at http://www.newdaedalus.com